Spinnaker Gourmet Stage
At the culinary crossroads of Europe, in the town of Poreč, lies Spinnaker Restaurant, the host of the Spinnaker Gourmet Stage. This series of culinary events celebrates the rich gastronomic heritage of Croatia and its neighbouring countries, each of which has historically influenced Istrian cuisine. Esteemed guest chefs at each event have the opportunity to present their signature dishes, offering tasting menus that bring the essence of their cuisines to Poreč.
In the past, the Spinnaker Gourmet Stage has been graced by distinguished chefs, each leaving a unique mark on the regional and international culinary scene. Notable past chefs include Rudolf Štefan (Pelegrini, Šibenik), Goran Kočiš (ex Noel, Zagreb), Hrvoje Zirojević (ex Laganini, Hvar), Stiven Vunić (Zijavica, Mošćenička Draga), Roberto Cerea (Da Vittorio, Italy), Ana Roš (Hiša Franko, Slovenia), and Luka Košir (Grič, Slovenia).
We continue to explore and celebrate these remarkable culinary journeys, inviting new chefs to share their skills and their stories at our table. Join us for the next edition of this exceptional gastronomic adventure.